Several years ago, the Laramie County Commissioners started live-streaming the Commissioners' meetings and allowing the public to view previous meetings. Everyone should take advantage of this valuable service and stay informed on decisions affecting the growth and direction of the county. Laramie County - Calendar (legistar.com) I will post a brief synopsis of the bi-monthly Commissioner meetings on my Facebook page, including my comments and welcome input and dialogue from the community. For complete details, visit the County Commissioner's website.
February 4th Laramie County Commissioners meeting:
* The consent agenda items were approved. These are regular county business items that do not warrant discussion. They are all listed in detail on the meeting agenda notes.
* An addendum was approved between Laramie County, WY, and Precision Kiosk Technologies, Inc., for the contractor to provide hardware and software to implement fully automated pretrial, probation, and alcohol monitoring for low-risk individuals. The county shall pay the contractor $1,750 per kiosk per month and other charges detailed in Exhibit A of Attachment A. As an alternate option to incarceration, this service will allow for daily alcohol monitoring of individuals for compliance so they can continue to work and be productive members of society.
* An intergovernmental agreement was approved between the US Dept. of Justice, US Marshals Service (USMS), and Laramie County, WY, to allow the county to maintain custody of selected federal inmates as determined by Laramie County. The adult daily incarceration fee will be $120 daily, and the juvenile incarceration fee will be $190 daily. USMS is responsible for federal inmate transportation and medical costs. You may be aware that I am not a fan whatsoever of housing federal inmates in our local jail facility; this is mainly due to the frivolous lawsuits they tend to file, their violent tendencies, and the extra burden on facilities housing them to conform to federal Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) guidelines, of which the jail is well over 95% compliant, only missing mandated unfunded positions within the jail supporting the guidelines. However, the sheriff assured the commissioners that the federal government had changed its position and was no longer mandating strict adherence to PREA, only that the facility was working toward compliance. Is it perfect? No, but it does allow federal inmates to be housed for a short period in our jail while they appear in Federal Court here in Cheyenne instead of being housed in Scottsbluff, NE, and transported back and forth. If there are issues of any kind with a specific inmate housed in our county jail, the inmate will be removed.
* A new service agreement and addendum between Laramie County, WY, and High West Energy, Inc., to provide service to power the new billboard sign at the Archer Complex for $10,000.
* During the meeting, a public hearing was held regarding a subdivision permit and plat for Recco Ranch, located east of town off Railroad Rd. There was no public comment, and the item was approved.
* During the meeting, a public hearing was held regarding a zone change from LI - Light Industrial to MU - Mixed Use for Cheyenne Irrigated Gardens, 3rd Filing, of the south 440-ft of Tract 17, Cheyenne Irrigated Gardens, Laramie County, WY. This property is located at the corner of Person's Rd and Avenue D. There was no public comment, and the item was approved.
For complete details, visit the County Commissioner's website.
January 21st Laramie County Commissioners meeting:
* The consent agenda items were approved. These are regular county business items that do not warrant discussion. They are all listed in detail on the meeting agenda notes.
* Public Hearing regarding a request for the vacation of a portion of the existing 80 ft of the public right-of-way of Rd 103, also known as BCH CR 10 and McLees Rd. The original petition to establish this road dates back to 1885, and there have been many discussions to vacate it over the years. It is an interesting read if you are a county history buff; the full viewer's report is contained in exhibit A in the attached menus to this item. The owner of the McLees Ranch spoke in favor of vacating the section of the roadway. She explained that it runs through her property and has no access to any public property. The road's current designation as a public right-of-way allows people to travel through her property and, over the years, has led to extensive instances of vandalism. The board voted in favor of the item, and the road section was vacated.
* Public Hearing was held regarding a request for the vacation of a portion of the existing 80-ft of the public right-of-way of Knowlwood Rd. This area is currently platted for the addition of a future roadway, but it has not been built yet. Once developed, the road would intersect with Horse Creek Rd. Property owners in the subdivision spoke for and against the item, which was eventually denied by the board—the reason for the decision related to public safety. Several lots have not been developed yet; once developed, the portion of road under consideration would allow for a secondary access point for the subdivision, which would enhance public safety in the area. If the board had allowed the request to vacate the right-of-way, the road could not be built in the future when properties connecting to it are developed.
* A resolution was passed rescinding Stage 1 fire restrictions for Laramie County. EMA Director Jeanine West spoke on this issue in her capacity as Assistant County Fire Warden. Due to recent snowfall and projected moisture conditions, the Laramie County Fire Chief's opinion was that the restrictions should be lifted at this time. She added that they will continue monitoring conditions and make updated recommendations as necessary.
* A Memorandum of understanding was approved concerning a road construction and cost-sharing agreement between Laramie County, WY, and TGE Wyoming 222, LLC, for the reconstruction of County Rd 203, also known as Chalk Bluff Rd, in relation to the Cowboy Solar Site Plan. The total cost of this project is estimated at 14.5 million, with TGE contributing $12 million and the county allocating 2.5 million.
* A Public Hearing was held regarding board approval for a dog boarding kennel located at 6912 Christensen Rd. No one from the public spoke on this item, which was approved by the board.
January 7th Laramie County Commissioners meeting:
* The consent agenda items were approved. These are regular county business items that do not warrant discussion. They are all listed in detail on the meeting agenda notes.
* a public hearing was held to consider three separate resolutions to allow Cowboy Racing, LLC, to conduct parimutuel wagering on live horse racing, historic horse racing, and simulcast events at 1720 Cleveland Ave, 1734 Meadowland Dr, and 714 W 20th St, in Cheyenne. Three members of the public from one family spoke against the proposed location at 1720 Cleveland Ave. They had no issue with these venues in other parts of town; they didn't want one so close to a residential neighborhood. The commissioners received numerous emails against and for this specific item leading up to this meeting. One thing I did note while I was reviewing each of these emails was that there were quite a few Laramie County residents who had initially sent emails against this item, but after attending public meetings put on by Cowboy Racing representatives, they sent follow-up emails expressing their support for the business, even if they did not personally support gambling businesses in general. The resolution was passed unanimously after a lot of consideration.
Although I am not a proponent of organized gambling, I have to consider the overall impact on Laramie County when voting on any particular item, not any personally held beliefs.
For those unaware, Cowboy Racing is a locally owned business that was approved to build the horse track east of town near Hillsdale. This group has already invested millions to build out this site, which will have a long-term positive effect on the greater Laramie County economy. For any business to conduct parimutuel wagering on live horse racing, historic horse racing, and simulcast events in the state of Wyoming, they are required by Wyoming State Statute to operate a licensed horse racing track somewhere in the state and conduct at least 16 days of live races during any calendar year to maintain their permitting through the Wyoming Gaming Commission. Because racetracks on their own are not easily sustainable without outside support, the state legislature in 2014, in an effort to bring back horse racing to Wyoming, authorized parimutuel and historic horse racing wagering. Cowboy Racing could not complete the track and continue economic investments in the community without these three sites. This includes erecting a hotel, various sporting venues beyond the racetrack, and family-friendly amenities, including a splash park at the racetrack location. The revenues generated by cowboy racing will have a long-term positive effect on the local Laramie County economy.
Side note: During the 2025 legislative session, several bills relating to gaming facilities will be considered. One of the bills will allow local municipalities to decide whether to allow gaming facilities within their jurisdictions and how many will be allowed, giving counties and municipalities local oversight. Currently, the Wyoming Gaming Association is in charge of overseeing gaming facilities throughout the state.
* An agreement was approved between the city of Cheyenne and Laramie County to create a Human Services Advisory Council. The council will coordinate and refine human services funding and delivery systems now in effect and those initiated as outlined in the Powers and Duties section of the agreement. The city and county each agree to provide $10,500 per year for four years to United Way to facilitate the implementation of the council duties. This agreement is for FYs 24, 25, 26, and 27, beginning July 1, 2023, and ending on June 30, 2027.
* Burt Macy, Darrel Repshire, and Ron Rabou were appointed to the Laramie County Weed and Pest Control District Board of Directors for areas 3, 5, and 7, respectively
* A public hearing was held regarding the Adoption of the 2024 International Building Codes. No members of the public commented on the item, which was approved.
* A public hearing was held regarding a zone change from MU—Mixed Use to LI—Light Industrial for a property at 2106 Stundon Ave. No members of the public spoke on the item, which was approved.
* A public hearing was held regarding a subdivision permit and plat for Allison Tracts, 12th Filing, a vacation and replat of Lot 2, Block 1, Allison Tracts, 8th Filing, Laramie County, WY. No members of the public spoke on the item, which was approved.
* A public hearing was held regarding a proposed extension of a Board of Public Utilities water main within the Chalk Bluff Rd right-of-way. No public members spoke in person about this item; however, an online comment was against it. (No action required)
For complete details, visit the County Commissioner's website.