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Not only am I a Republican, but I consider myself to be conservative in my views of topics

I have been a member of the Republican Party for my entire adult life. Not only am I a Republican, but I consider myself to be conservative in my views of topics I feel are essential to the future of our Country.

2nd Amendment: I am a firm believer in the Second Amendment. Our constitution clearly states that citizens of the United States have the right to keep and bear arms. As a veteran law enforcement officer of more than 27 years, I know firsthand that guns are not the problem with violence in America. Guns don't kill people; people kill people, whether they use a gun, hammer, or anything else; it is evil in a person's heart that is at the root of the issue and not the manner it was carried out.

Federal Government Overreach: I believe in states' rights as enumerated in the 10th Amendment of the United States: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." Washington should not dictate what Wyoming does.

Illegal Immigration: I am for legal Immigration; our forefathers built this Country in partnership with legal immigrants who came to this Country searching for a better life. Hardworking individuals assimilated into our great Country while maintaining their heritage. Illegal Immigration and open borders are currently draining community resources and social services that should be used for the legal United States citizens. All are welcome but do it legally.

Decision-making: I will look at each issue carefully and do my research, determining the benefits to the community and leaving out any personal opinions I may have. Is the issue under consideration in line with our Western family values and heritage? Does it align with responsible and sustainable economic growth? Is it fiscally prudent? Who will the decision affect? Have they been contacted and allowed to voice any concerns? Public transparency is crucial to me. As time permits, I aim to conduct public outreach through local media outlets and social media before considering significant issues to get community input.

Right to Life: I support the right to life for unborn children, although there are circumstances such as sexual abuse resulting in pregnancy, instances where the unborn child has lethal anomalies incompatible with life, and to save the life of the mother where it may be considered or necessary. Each child is a gift from God and is due the same respect and rights as those outside the womb.

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